Programming Project Fall 2004 (0368.2161)
Gnome Graphics

White gnome

Course Instructors





Office Hours

Andrei Scharf

Schreiber 002


Sunday 11:00 - 12:00

Olga Sorkine

Schreiber 002


Sunday 10:00 - 11:00

You are highly encouraged to ask your questions in the forum, this way other students can also benefit from it.
If you send us emails, please do so in plain text and in English only. No word documents please. Also, please write your names in emails.


  • 02-Nov-2003 The initial design + sample project with makefile must be submitted in a hardcopy format in class. Email is not acceptable.
  • The due date for the project is Thursday 22-January-2004, 10am.
    If you were in miluim, please contact us in advance.
  • Automatic scripts for unix: You can use these scripts to check that your project directory and makefile is ok.
    Refer to the Readme file for instructions. It is recommended that the partner that does not have the project under his home, tries to run the scripts.
    For questions about the automatic checking, contact Ohad Barzilay (


  • Late submission rules: projects submitted later than 22/01/2004 10am, but before 29/01/2004 10am, will be accepted and their grade will be maximum 95. Projects submitted after 29/01/2004 10am will not be accepted. The rule does not apply to people who got approved extensions for miluim/sickness reasons.

More Information

Looking for partners?

Try in the forum.

Sample Gnome Programs

Submitting the project

  1. Follow the instructions in the project definition
  2. Submit the printed documentation to your TA in person or in her/his mailbox in Schreiber
  3. Make sure the file and directory permissions are correct (755 for the GnomeProject04 directory and 644 for the files)
  4. You are not required to keep the binaries of the project.

Recommended reading

  • Kerninghan and Richie, "The C Programming Language" : the classic book on C.
  • "C++ PRIMER", Lippman, Stanley B. : A good introduction to C++.
  • Bjarne Stroustrup, "The C++ Programming Language" : The complete guide to C++ by the man who designed C++.
  • "Turbo-C/C++ 2nd edition",
    Chapter 9 introduced the C preprocessor.
    Chapter 15 has a description on what is a library.
    You can also browse through the functions of the standard library in the index, for a general overview of available functions. NOTE: functions that are marked as "ANSI-C" work on all systems (PC, unix, etc.)
  • "The new Peter Norton Programmers Guide to the IBM PC & PS/2", Peter Norton, 621.381.95NOR. Chapter 19 "program building" describes the basics of "source to executable" process.