- course no.
- 252-0538-00
- semester
- Spring 2019
- lecturer
- Olga Sorkine-Hornung
- assistants
- Shihao Wu, Oliver Glauser, Michael Rabinovich
- lecture
- Wed 10-12; CAB, G 51
- exercise
- Fri 10-11; CAB, G 52
- ECTS credit
- 5 credits
- 01.02.19
- Course webpage updated. Welcome!
- 01.03.19
- Assignment 1 online
- 08.03.19
- Assignment 2 online
- 22.03.19
- Assignment 3 (optional) online
- 05.04.19
- Assignment 4 online
- 17.04.19
- Assignment 5 online
- 03.05.19
- Assignment 6 online

Recent advances in 3D digital geometry processing have created a plenitude of novel concepts for the mathematical representation and interactive manipulation of geometric models. This course covers the fundamentals and some of the latest developments in geometric modeling and digital geometry processing. Topics include surface modeling based on polygonal meshes, surface reconstruction, mesh improvement, discrete differential geometry, interactive shape editing, skinning animation, architectural and structure-aware geometric modeling, geometry for 3D computational fabrication.
Course objectives
The students will learn how to design, program and analyze algorithms and systems for interactive 3D shape modeling and digital geometry processing.
Course work and performance assessment
There will be 4 mandatory programming + "pen-and-paper" assignments and one slightly larger programming project. A code framework will be provided that allows you to experiment with various algorithms without having to bother much about software infrastructure. The weight of the homework assignments in the final grade will be 80%. There will be a short written exam (multiple choice, 60 minutes) at the end of the semester, amounting to 20% of the final grade.
Introduction to Computer Graphics or Visual Computing or a similar course, experience with C++ programming. Some background in geometric computing is helpful, but not necessary.
schedule and course notes
Note: Course notes and homework materials are only accessible within the ETH network (addresses 129.132.*). Use VPN to access from outside.
The course schedule is tentative and will be adjusted along the way.
- 20.02.19
- Introduction. Shape representations.
- 27.02.19
- Geometry acquisition. Meshes.
- 01.03.19
- [Exercise 1 handout]
- 06.03.19
- Surface reconstruction.
- 08.03.19
- [Exercise 2 handout]
- 13.03.19
- Normal estimation and PCA. Discrete differential geometry - Curves.
- 15.03.19
- No exercise class.
- 20.03.19
- Discrete differential geometry - Surfaces.
- 22.03.19
- [Optional Exercise 3 handout]
- 27.03.19
- Mesh smoothing and optimization.
- 29.03.19
- [Grading of Exercise 2]
- 03.04.19
- Parameterization I. Notes.
- 05.04.19
- [Exercise 4 handout]
- 10.04.19
- Parameterization II. Notes.
- 12.04.19
- No exercise class.
- 17.04.19
- Introduction to mesh editing. Variational surface based deformation I.
[Exercise 5 handout] - 19.04.19
- Easter holiday.
- 24.04.19
- Easter holiday.
- 26.04.19
- Easter holiday.
- 01.05.19
- Labor day.
- 03.05.19
- [Exercise 6 handout]
- 08.05.19
- Variational surface based deformation II + written notes. ARAP surface modeling.
- 10.05.19
- Cotangent Laplacian derivation
- 15.05.19
- Space deformations. Skeletal animation and skinning.
- 17.05.19
- [Grading of Exercise 5]
- 22.05.19
- Guest lecture by Michael Eigensatz, Cyfex.
- 24.05.19
- Q&A
- 29.05
- Written examination.
- 31.05.19
- [Grading of Exercise 6]
homework assignments
For the purposes of this class we will be using GitHub. You can find all instructions on the repository's webpage, please follow them carefully.
Note: Course notes and assignment slides are only accessible within the ETH network (addresses 129.132.*). Use VPN to access from outside.
Exercise 1: Mesh "Hello World"
In this exercise you will familiarize yourself with the provided code framework and perform some basic operations on a mesh.
- Due Date :
- 15.03.2017, 08:00
- Slides:
- Exercise Session 01.03.2017
- Assignment:
- Assignment 1
Exercise 2: Surface reconstruction
In this exercise you will compute a water-tight surface mesh by fitting an implicit function to point cloud data.
- Due Date :
- 29.03.2019, 09:00
- Slides:
- Exercise Session 08.03.2019
- Assignment:
- Assignment 2
Exercise 3: Discrete differential properties and smoothing
In this exercise you will experiment with various fundamental discrete differential quantities and implement mesh smoothing flows.
- Due Date :
- none
- Slides:
- Exercise Session 22.03.2019
- Assignment:
- Assignment 3
Exercise 4: Mesh Parameterization
In this exercise you will parameterize a mesh by minimizing four different distortion measures, with fixed or free boundaries. Visualize the distortion by color coding.
- Due Date :
- 03.05.2019, 08:00
- Slides:
- Exercise Session 05.04.2019
- Assignment:
- Assignment 4
Exercise 5: Shape Deformation
In this exercise, you will implement an algorithm to interactively deform 3D models. You will construct a two-level multi-resolution surface representation and use naive Laplacian editing to deform it.
- Due Date :
- 17.05.2019, 09:00
- Slides:
- Lecture 17.04.2019
- Assignment:
- Assignment 5
Exercise 6: 3D face modeling
In this exercise you will take part in a group project about 3D face modeling. No precise instructions will be provided for this exercise, you will have to read the project description, understand and implement it. You can obviously use libigl and you can reuse any of the code from the previous exercises.
- Due Date :
- 31.05.2019
- Assignment:
- Lecture 03.05.2019
YouTube channel - related research results from IGL