In this talk, I present a computational framework that allows for a robust extraction and quantification of the Morse-Smale complex of a scalar field given on a 2- or 3-dimensional manifold. The proposed framework is based on Forman’s discrete Morse theory, which guarantees the topological consistency of the computed complex. The Morse-Smale complex forms a superset of the extremal structures in the underlying scalar field. However, parts of it might correspond to spurious structures introduced by noise. It is therefore necessary to estimate the feature strength of the individual components of the Morse-Smale complex – the critical points and separatrices. This allows a separation of spurious and dominant features. To do so, I discuss strategies how the importance of these structures can be reliably estimated.
David Günther is currently a PhD candidate at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics and Saarland University in Saarbruecken.