- course no.
- 401-0131-00
- semester
- Fall 2022
- lecturers
- Özlem Imamoglu,
Olga Sorkine-Hornung - coordination
Jing Ren,
Alexandre Binninger,
Danielle Luterbacher
- lecture
- Wed 10-12; HG F 7, HG F 5 (stream)
Fri 10-12; HG F 7, HG F 5 (stream)
Live Stream
- EduApp
- Link to course channel on EduApp
- video recording
- ETH Videoportal
- exercise
- Thu 08-10/16-18, Fri 14-16
- 7 credits
- 19.12.2022
- There will be no lecture on Friday, 23.12.2022.
- 22.09.2022
- The EduApp link has been added to the webpage. You are encouraged to ask questions over there during lectures.
- 01.09.2022
- Website online.
Systems of linear equations, vectors and matrices, norms and scalar products, LU decomposition, vector spaces and linear maps, linear least squares problems, QR decomposition, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, singular value decomposition, applications.
schedule and course notes
The relevant content for the exam is completely covered during the lecture. The following script is only provided for additional support.
additional support
Matlab tutorials
Matlab exercises are not relevant for the exam. They are provided for completeness.books
- Lineare Algebra, G. Fischer
- Lineare Algebra, K. Jänich
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Gilbert Strang
- Mathematik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler (Band 1,Band 2), Lothar Papula
bonus assignments
During the semester, you can hand in solutions to the exercises clearly marked as bonus to acquire bonus points. The 10 best weeks will be taken into account. The acquired bonus points can increase the grade of the written exam by at most 0.25.
assignment submission to submit, you have to hand in a single PDF file via Moodle before the strict deadline listed below (no extension policy). You can convert and combine pictures of handwritten notes into a single PDF, or type the homework using LaTeX. Below we provide a ready-to-use LaTeX template. To use it, (1) sign up for overleaf using your ETH account; (2) drag the zip file below to start a new project; (3) compile the main.tex file.
Inappropriate behavior when working on the assignments, such as copying the solutions of fellow students or other sources, or providing your own solution for others to copy, has serious consequences, including the dispossession of all the bonus points.
Date (exercise session) | Assignment | Solution | Hand in deadline |
29.09.22/30.09.22 | Assignment 1 | Solution 1 | 07.10.22, 16:00 |
06.10.22/07.10.22 | Assignment 2 | Solution 2 | 14.10.22, 16:00 |
13.10.22/14.10.22 | Assignment 3 | Solution 3 | 21.10.22, 16:00 |
20.10.22/21.10.22 | Assignment 4 | Solution 4 | 28.10.22, 16:00 |
27.10.22/28.10.22 | Assignment 5 | Solution 5 | 04.11.22, 16:00 |
Assignment 6 Clarification: Change of Basis |
Solution 6
11.11.22, 16:00
10.11.22/11.11.22 | Assignment 7 | Solution 7 | 18.11.22, 16:00 |
17.11.22/18.11.22 | Assignment 8 | Solution 8 | 25.11.22, 16:00 |
24.11.22/25.11.22 | Assignment 9 | Solution 9 | 02.12.22, 16:00 |
01.12.22/02.12.22 | Assignment 10 | Solution 10 | 09.12.22, 16:00 |
08.12.22/09.12.22 | Assignment 11 | Solution 11 | 16.12.22, 16:00 |
15.12.22/16.12.22 | Assignment 12 | Solution 12 | 23.12.22, 16:00 |
22.12.22/23.12.22 | Assignment 13 | Solution 13 | No hand-in |
exercise groups
Zoom Links (restricted access. Use VPN outside of the ETH network. Instructions can be found here.)assistant | time | place | comment |
Dong Ho Kang | Thu 08-10 | Online (see Zoom links above) | |
Petar Stamenkovic | Thu 08-10 | CAB G 57 | |
Marko Mihajlovics | Thu 08-10 | CHN D 42 | |
Silvan Weder | Thu 08-10 | IFW A 32.1 | German |
Elia Trachsel | Thu 08-10 | CHN D 46 | |
Petr Hruby | Thu 08-10 | CHN C 14 | |
Jana Dinger | Thu 08-10 | ML F 34 | |
Aurel Gruber | Thu 08-10 | ML J 37.1 | |
Muyang Du | Thu 08-10 | RZ F 21 | |
Sergey Prokudin | Thu 16-18 | CHN D 44 | |
Zichen Gui | Thu 16-18 | CHN D 42 | |
Leander Diaz-Bone | Thu 16-18 | IFW A 34 | German |
Boyang Sun | Thu 16-18 | ETZ H 91 | |
Floor Verhoeven | Thu 16-18 | Online (see Zoom links above) | |
Kaifeng Zhao | Fri 14-16 | ETZ E 7 | |
Chen Guo | Fri 14-16 | Online (see Zoom links above) | |
Ziqi Wang | Fri 14-16 | CHN G 46 | |
Tianxin Tang | Fri 14-16 | IFW C 31 | |
Marcel Geppert | Fri 14-16 | IFW D 42 | German |
Aviv Segall | Fri 14-16 | LFW C 11 | |
Elif Bilge Emanet | Thu 08-10 | CAB G 56 |
Written exam, 180 minutes. Aid: 6 one-sided A4 pages or 3 double-sided A4 pages of written notes (notes typed in LaTeX or similar and printed are allowed; they should be readable without a magnifying glass); a dictionary (English-German or other foreign language) as a paper book is allowed (no e-book or similar); no calculator.