Digital 3D models, especially those acquired from real-world objects by scanning technologies, go through a digital geometry processing pipeline to prepare them for end applications. Processing operations include denoising and smoothing, resampling and mesh optimization, registration, parameterization, compression and more. We employ principles from discrete differential geometry, variational optimization and differential shape representations for a wide variety of geometry processing tasks. Our goal is to develop theoretical shape understanding and efficient and robust practical algorithms for delivering high-quality geometric data. Example topics include: 3D reconstruction, 3D scan analysis and segmentation, quad remeshing, retopology, global and local parameterization, inter-surface mapping.
Check out our publications page.
- See our teaching page to get an overview of the classes offered on the topic of digital geometry processing
- State-of-The-Art Report: Laplacian Mesh Processing, EUROGRAPHICS 2005 STAR