

Higher Order Continuity for Smooth As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Modeling

Higher Order Continuity for Smooth As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Modeling


Chebyshev Parameterization for Woven Fabric Modeling

Chebyshev Parameterization for Woven Fabric Modeling

SD-𝜋XL: Generating Low-Resolution Quantized Imagery via Score Distillation

SD-𝜋XL: Generating Low-Resolution Quantized Imagery via Score Distillation

GarmentCodeData: A Dataset of 3D Made-to-Measure Garments With Sewing Patterns

Digital Garment Alteration

Pose-to-Motion: Cross-Domain Motion Retargeting with Pose Prior

Fabric Tessellation: Realizing Freeform Surfaces by Smocking

Fabric Tessellation: Realizing Freeform Surfaces by Smocking

PUBLICATION SIGGRAPH 2024 (journal paper) / AUTHORS Aviv Segall, Jing Ren, Amir Vaxman, Olga Sorkine-Hornung / AWARD Best Paper Honorable Mention at SIGGRAPH 2024

WalkTheDog: Cross-Morphology Motion Alignment via Phase Manifolds

WalkTheDog: Cross-Morphology Motion Alignment via Phase Manifolds

Mesh parameterization meets intrinsic triangulations

Neural Garment Dynamics via Manifold-Aware Transformers

   SENS: Part-Aware Sketch-based Implicit Neural Shape Modeling

SENS: Part-Aware Sketch-based Implicit Neural Shape Modeling

PUBLICATION EUROGRAPHICS 2024 / AUTHORS Alexandre Binninger, Amir Hertz, Olga Sorkine-Hornung Daniel Cohen-Or, Raja Giryes / AWARD Best Paper Honorable Mention at EUROGRAPHICS 2024

Computational Smocking through Fabric-Thread Interaction

Computational Smocking through Fabric-Thread Interaction


GarmentCode: Programming Parametric Sewing Patterns

Digital 3D Smocking Design

UVDoc: Neural Grid-based Document Unwarping

Example-based Motion Synthesis via Generative Motion Matching

Example-based Motion Synthesis via Generative Motion Matching

MoDi: Unconditional Motion Synthesis from Diverse Data

MoDi: Unconditional Motion Synthesis from Diverse Data

Designing Personalized Garments with Body Movement

Designing Personalized Garments with Body Movement

Mesh Draping: Parametrization-Free Neural Mesh Transfer


Smooth Non-Rigid Shape Matching via Effective Dirichlet Energy Optimization

Smooth Non-Rigid Shape Matching via Effective Dirichlet Energy Optimization

Smooth Interpolating Curves with Local Control and Monotone Alternating Curvature

Smooth Interpolating Curves with Local Control and Monotone Alternating Curvature

Computational Pattern Making from 3D Garment Models

GANimator: Neural Motion Synthesis from a Single Sequence

GANimator: Neural Motion Synthesis from a Single Sequence

SPAGHETTI: Editing Implicit Shapes Through Part Aware Generation

SPAGHETTI: Editing Implicit Shapes Through Part Aware Generation

Variational Quadratic Shape Functions for Polygons and Polyhedra

Variational Quadratic Shape Functions for Polygons and Polyhedra

Sparsity-Specific Code Optimization using Expression Trees

Geometry-Consistent Neural Shape Representation with Implicit Displacement Fields

Geometry-Consistent Neural Shape Representation with Implicit Displacement Fields

Dev2PQ: Planar Quadrilateral Strip Remeshing of Developable Surfaces

Dev2PQ: Planar Quadrilateral Strip Remeshing of Developable Surfaces


SAPE: Spatially-Adaptive Progressive Encoding for Neural Optimization

SAPE: Spatially-Adaptive Progressive Encoding for Neural Optimization

    Self-Calibrated Multi-Sensor Wearable for Hand Tracking and Modeling

    Developable Approximation via Gauss Image Thinning

Developable Approximation via Gauss Image Thinning

    Learning Skeletal Articulations with Neural Blend Shapes

Learning Skeletal Articulations with Neural Blend Shapes

    Iso-Points: Optimizing Neural Implicit Surfaces with Hybrid Representations

Iso-Points: Optimizing Neural Implicit Surfaces with Hybrid Representations

    Physically-based Book Simulation with Freeform Developable Surfaces

Physically-based Book Simulation with Freeform Developable Surfaces

Developable Metamaterials: Mass-fabricable Metamaterials by Laser-Cutting Elastic Structures

Developable Metamaterials: Mass-fabricable Metamaterials by Laser-Cutting Elastic Structures


Shape Approximation by Developable Wrapping

A Single-View Approach to Casual 3D Modeling and Animation

Sparse Cholesky Updates for Interactive Mesh Parameterization

Sparse Cholesky Updates for Interactive Mesh Parameterization

Properties of Laplace Operators for Tetrahedral Meshes

Properties of Laplace Operators for Tetrahedral Meshes

PUBLICATION Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2020 /
AUTHORS Marc Alexa, Philipp Herholz, , Olga Sorkine-Hornung / AWARD Best Paper Award at SGP 2020

Skeleton-Aware Networks for Deep Motion Retargeting

Skeleton-Aware Networks for Deep Motion Retargeting

Neural Cages for Detail-Preserving 3D Deformations

Neural Cages for Detail-Preserving 3D Deformations


RodMesh: Two-handed 3D Surface Modeling in Virtual Reality

RodMesh: Two-handed 3D Surface Modeling in Virtual Reality

Reflection Symmetry in Textured Sewing Patterns

Blind Image Super-Resolution with Spatially Variant Degradations

Differentiable Surface Splatting for Point-based Geometry Processing

Differentiable Surface Splatting for Point-based Geometry Processing

Modeling Curved Folding with Freeform Deformations

Modeling Curved Folding with Freeform Deformations

Interactive Hand Pose Estimation using a Stretch-Sensing Soft Glove

Interactive Hand Pose Estimation using a Stretch-Sensing Soft Glove

Wallpaper Pattern Alignment along Garment Seams

Wallpaper Pattern Alignment along Garment Seams

progressive patched-base point upsampling

Patch-based Progressive 3D Point Set Upsampling

Deformation Capture via Soft and Stretchable Sensor Arrays

Deformation Capture via Soft and Stretchable Sensor Arrays


The Shape Space of Discrete Orthogonal Geodesic Nets

The Shape Space of Discrete Orthogonal Geodesic Nets

Shape Representation by Zippables

Cosserat Rods with Projective Dynamics

A Fully Progressive Approach to Single-Image Super-Resolution

Packable Springs

Discrete Geodesic Nets for Modeling Developable Surfaces

Discrete Geodesic Nets for Modeling Developable Surfaces


Autocuts: Simultaneous Distortion and Cut Optimization for UV Mapping

Autocuts: Simultaneous Distortion and Cut Optimization for UV Mapping

Geometric Optimization via Composite Majorization

Geometric Optimization via Composite Majorization

Spin-It: Optimizing Moment of Inertia for Spinnable Objects

Spin-It: Optimizing Moment of Inertia for Spinnable Objects

RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT Communications of the ACM, August 2017, Research Highlights / AUTHORS Moritz Bächer, Emily Whiting, Bernd Bickel, Olga Sorkine-Hornung

Scalable Locally Injective Mappings

How was it made? Rig animation with a tangible and modular input device.

How Was It Made? Rig Animation with a Tangible and Modular Input Device


Digitally Reconstructing the Great Parchment Book: 3D Recovery of Fire-Damaged Historical Documents

Digitally Reconstructing the Great Parchment Book: 3D Recovery of Fire-Damaged Historical Documents

PUBLICATION Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (2016) / AUTHORS Kazim Pal, Nicola Avery, Pete Boston, Alberto Campagnolo, Caroline De Stefani, Helen Matheson-Pollock, Daniele Panozzo, Matthew Payne, Christian Schüller, Chris Sanderson, Chris Scott, Philippa Smith, Rachael Smither, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Ann Stewart, Emma Stewart, Patricia Stewart, Melissa Terras, Bernadette Walsh, Laurence Ward, Liz Yamada, Tim Weyrich

Animato: 2D Shape Deformation and Animation on Mobile Devices

Point Cloud Noise and Outlier Removal for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction

Point Cloud Noise and Outlier Removal for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction

Depth from Gradients in Dense Light Fields for Object Reconstruction

Depth from Gradients in Dense Light Fields for Object Reconstruction

PUBLICATION 3DV 2016 / AUTHORS Kaan Yücer, Changil Kim, Alexander Sorkine-Hornung, Olga Sorkine-Hornung / AWARD Best Paper Award at 3DV 2016

Confocal reference free traction force microscopy

Balancing 3D Models with Movable Masses

Balancing 3D Models with Movable Masses

Image Content Retargeting: Maintaining Color, Tone, and Spatial Consistency

Image Content Retargeting: Maintaining Color, Tone, and Spatial Consistency

Computational Thermoforming

Computational Thermoforming

PUBLICATION ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 / AUTHORS Christian Schüller, Daniele Panozzo, Anselm Grundhöfer, Henning Zimmer, , Olga Sorkine-Hornung

Rig Animation with a Tangible and Modular Input Device

Scalable Locally Injective Mappings

Scalable Locally Injective Mappings

Large-Scale Painting of Photographs by Interactive Optimization

Large-Scale Painting of Photographs by Interactive Optimization

Efficient 3D Object Segmentation from Densely Sampled Light Fields with Applications to 3D Reconstruction

Efficient 3D Object Segmentation from Densely Sampled Light Fields with Applications to 3D Reconstruction

Least-Squares Rigid Motion Using SVD

Least-Squares Rigid Motion Using SVD

TECHNICAL NOTE on best-fit rotations, update on the original note accompanying the ARAP paper from 2007 / AUTHORS Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Michael Rabinovich


Reconstruction of Articulated Objects from a Moving Camera

Reconstruction of Articulated Objects from a Moving Camera

Instant Field-Aligned Meshes

SHED: Shape Edit Distance for Fine-grained Shape Similarity

Texture Mapping Real-World Objects with Hydrographics

Texture Mapping Real-World Objects with Hydrographics

PUBLICATION EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Geometry Processing 2015 / AUTHORS Daniele Panozzo, Olga Diamanti, Sylvain Paris, Marco Tarini, , Olga Sorkine-Hornung

Path-space Motion Estimation and Decomposition for Robust Animation Filtering

Integrable Polyvector Fields

Data-Driven Interactive Quadrangulation

A Sampler of Useful Computational Tools for Applied Geometry, Computer Graphics, and Image Processing

A Sampler of Useful Computational Tools for Applied Geometry, Computer Graphics, and Image Processing

Digital Representations of the Real World: How to Capture, Model, and Render Visual Reality

Digital Representations of the Real World: How to Capture, Model, and Render Visual Reality

Efficient Salient Foreground Detection for Images and Video using Fiedler Vectors

Efficient Salient Foreground Detection for Images and Video using Fiedler Vectors

Synthesis of Complex Image Appearance from Limited Exemplars

Synthesis of Complex Image Appearance from Limited Exemplars

A Vectorial Framework for Ray Traced Diffusion Curves

A Vectorial Framework for Ray Traced Diffusion Curves


Appearance-Mimicking Surfaces

Assembling Self-Supporting Structures

Fast and Memory-Efficient Topological Denoising of 2D and 3D Scalar Fields

N-PolyVector Fields with Complex Polynomials

Pattern-Based Quadrangulation for N-Sided Patches

Spin-It: Optimizing Moment of Inertia for Spinnable Objects

Spin-It: Optimizing Moment of Inertia for Spinnable Objects

Frame Fields: Anisotropic and Non-Orthogonal Cross Fields

Frame Fields: Anisotropic and Non-Orthogonal Cross Fields

Tangible and Modular Input Device for Character Articulation

Metarepresentation of Shape Families

Shell Structures for Architecture: Form Finding and Optimization

Best-Fit Thrust Network Analysis: Rationalization of Freeform Meshes

Bounded Biharmonic Weights for Real-Time Deformation

Bounded Biharmonic Weights for Real-Time Deformation

RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT Communications of the ACM, April 2014, Research Highlights / AUTHORS Alec Jacobson, Ilya Baran, Jovan Popović, Olga Sorkine-Hornung

Accurate and Efficient Lighting for Skinned Models

Accurate and Efficient Lighting for Skinned Models

Content-Aware Surface Parameterization for Interactive Restoration of Historical Documents

Content-Aware Surface Parameterization for Interactive Restoration of Historical Documents

Object Detection and Classification from Large-Scale Cluttered Indoor Scans

Object Detection and Classification from Large-Scale Cluttered Indoor Scans

Ink-and-Ray: Bas-Relief Meshes for Adding Global Illumination Effects to Hand-Drawn Characters

Ink-and-Ray: Bas-Relief Meshes for Adding Global Illumination Effects to Hand-Drawn Characters

Facial Performance Enhancement using Dynamic Shape Space Analysis

A Simple Method for Correcting Facet Orientations in Polygon Meshes Based on Ray Casting

A Simple Method for Correcting Facet Orientations in Polygon Meshes Based on Ray Casting

Consistently Orienting Facets in Polygon Meshes by Minimizing the Dirichlet Energy of Generalized Winding Numbers

Consistently Orienting Facets in Polygon Meshes by Minimizing the Dirichlet Energy of Generalized Winding Numbers


Transfusive Weights for Content-Aware Image Manipulation

Transfusive Weights for Content-Aware Image Manipulation

Mobile Image

Designing Unreinforced Masonry Models

Designing Unreinforced Masonry Models

Make it stand

Robust Inside-Outside Segmentation using Generalized Winding Numbers

Robust Inside-Outside Segmentation using Generalized Winding Numbers

Sketch based

Weighted averages on

Locally Injective Mappings

Consistent Volumetric Discretizations Inside Self-Intersecting Surfaces

Animation-Aware Quadrangulation

Depth Synthesis and Local Warps for Plausible Image-based Navigation

Depth Synthesis and Local Warps for Plausible Image-based Navigation

Finite Element Image Warping

Emerging Technologies for 3D Video


Transfusive image manipulation

Elasticity-Inspired Deformers for Character Articulation

Elasticity-Inspired Deformers for Character Articulation

Course: Modern Approaches to Media Retargeting

Course: Modern Approaches to Media Retargeting

Smooth Shape-Aware Functions with Controlled Extrema

Fast Automatic Skinning Transformations

Fast Automatic Skinning Transformations

A Cotangent Laplacian for Images as Surfaces

A Cotangent Laplacian for Images as Surfaces

Robust Image Retargeting via Axis-Aligned Deformation


Stretchable and Twistable Bones for Skeletal Shape Deformation

Stretchable and Twistable Bones for Skeletal Shape Deformation

Interference Aware Geometric Modeling

Interference Aware Geometric Modeling

Global Parametrization Of Range Image Sets

Global Parametrization of Range Image Sets

Bounded Biharmonic Weights for Real-Time Deformation

Bounded Biharmonic Weights for Real-Time Deformation

Scalable and Coherent Video Resizing with Per-Frame Optimization

Scalable and Coherent Video Resizing with Per-Frame Optimization

Silhouette-Aware Warping for IBR

Silhouette-Aware Warping for Image-Based Rendering

GeoBrush: Interactive Mesh Geometry Cloning

GeoBrush: Interactive Mesh Geometry Cloning

Cusps of Characteristic Curves and Intersection-Aware Visualization of Path and Streak Lines

Cusps of Characteristic Curves and Intersection-Aware Visualization of Path and Streak Lines

Feature-Based Mesh Editing

Feature-Based Mesh Editing

Template-based 3D Model Fitting Using Dual-Domain Relaxation


Volumetric Modeling with Diffusion Surfaces

Volumetric Modeling with Diffusion Surfaces

A Comparative Study of Image Retargeting

A Comparative Study of Image Retargeting

Mixed Finite Elements for Variational Surface Modeling

Motion-based Video Retargeting with Optimized Crop-and-Warp

Motion-based Video Retargeting with Optimized Crop-and-Warp

PUBLICATION ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 / AUTHORS Yu-Shuen Wang, Hui-Chih Lin, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Tong-Yee Lee

Topology-based Smoothing of 2D Scalar Fields with C1-Continuity

Topology-based Smoothing of 2D Scalar Fields with C¹-Continuity

Selective Reverse Tone Mapping

Selective Reverse Tone Mapping

PUBLICATION CEIG 2010 / AUTHORS Belen Masia, Roland Fleming, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Diego Gutierrez


Motion-Aware Temporal Coherence for Video Resizing

Motion-Aware Temporal Coherence for Video Resizing

Evaluation of Reverse Tone Mapping through Varying Exposure Conditions

Evaluation of Reverse Tone Mapping through Varying Exposure Conditions

Course: Visual Media Retargeting

Course: Visual Media Retargeting

iWIRES: An Analyze-and-Edit Approach to Shape Manipulation

iWIRES: An Analyze-and-Edit Approach to Shape Manipulation

Tutorial: Interactive Shape Modeling and Deformation

Tutorial: Interactive Shape Modeling and Deformation



Optimized Scale-and-Stretch for Image Resizing

Understanding Exposure for rTM

Understanding Exposure for Reverse Tone Mapping

PUBLICATION CEIG 2008 / AUTHORS Miguel Martin, Roland Fleming, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Diego Gutierrez

The Shape of Search

The Shape of Search

PUBLICATION MathFilm Festival 2008 (a short film about shape matching) / AUTHORS Ran Gal, Olga Sorkine-Hornung

On Linear Variational Surface Deformation Methods

On Linear Variational Surface Deformation Methods


Sketch Based Image Deformation




3D Collage

Context-Aware Skeletal Shape Deformation

Context-Aware Skeletal Shape Deformation


FiberMesh Techreport

A Note on Boundary Constraints for Linear Variational Surface Design

TECHNICAL REPORT TU Berlin / AUTHORS Andrew Nealen, Olga Sorkine-Hornung


Laplacian Mesh Optimization

Laplacian Mesh Optimization

Feature-Aware Texturing

Color Harmonization

3D Collage Sketch

STAR Laplacian Mesh Processing

Differential Representations for Mesh Processing


Algebraic Analysis of High-Pass Quantization

Algebraic Analysis of High-Pass Quantization

STAR Laplacian Mesh Processing

State-of-The-Art Report: Laplacian Mesh Processing

PUBLICATION EUROGRAPHICS 2005, STAR volume / AUTHOR Olga Sorkine-Hornung

Linear Rotation-Invariant Coordinates for Meshes

Linear Rotation-Invariant Coordinates for Meshes

A Sketch-Based Interface for Detail-Preserving Mesh Editing

A Sketch-Based Interface for Detail-Preserving Mesh Editing

Geometry-Aware Bases for Shape Approximation

Laplacian Editing IJSM


Laplacian Surface Editing

LS Meshes

Differential Coordinates for Interactive Mesh Editing


High-Pass Quantization for Mesh Encoding

Ray Space Factorization for From-Region Visibility

Ray Space Factorization for From-Region Visibility


Bounded-Distortion Piecewise Mesh Parameterization

Bounded-Distortion Piecewise Mesh Parameterization


Warped Textures for UV Mapping Encoding

Warped Textures for UV Mapping Encoding